Bearing Analysis

The bearing analysis (Falsetti and Sokal 1993) is a method of determining the direction of greatest correlation between data distance and geographic distance. The procedure starts with two matrices: a data distance matrix V and a geographic distance matrix D. D is transformed into a new matrix, Gθ, by multiplying each entry of D by the squared cosine of the angle between a fixed bearing (θ) and that of each pair of points,




where Gij is the ijth element of matrix G, Dij is the ijth element of matrix D, and αij is the angular bearing of points i and j. If the two bearings point in the same direction (i.e., θ – αij = 0), the cos2 will equal one; if the bearings are at right angles to each other, the cos2 will equal zero. This transformation essentially weights each geographic distance by its alignment with a test direction.



Illustration of the angle between a fixed bearing θ and the bearing for a pair of points (αij ).


The correlation between V and Gθ is calculated via a Mantel test and repeated for a set of θ. The maximal correlation occurs when large distances in the data are correlated with large geographic distances between points that lie roughly in the same direction as the fixed bearing. The direction of maximal correlation indicates the most likely direction of a gradient. The significance of each Mantel correlation can be determined through the asymptotic t-test or by a standard Mantel permutation test.


While not as informative as some of the other anisotropy methods, this method can be applied to data with small sample sizes.  



To run an analysis, you must specify the data and geographic distance matrices, an angle matrix, and the number of vectors you wish to test. The default is 36 vectors, leading to 5° separation among each vector (since we only need to test through 180°).



Bearing window.


The output consists of a list of each bearing tested, the Mantel correlation between the two matrices, and the asymptotic significance of the correlation. If permutation tests were performed, this significance is reported as well.


The bearing analysis was used to examine anisotropy in mortality due to prostate cancer. A data distance matrix was constructed as the Euclidean distance among mortality rates at different locations (we could have examined patterns in multiple cancers as a combined distance measure, but stuck with a single one for simplicity and to allow us to compare the results directly to other methods). The strongest positive correlation is found at 120° (roughly NW-SE) and, unsurprisingly, at approximately a right angle to that we find the strongest negative correlation at 35° (roughly NE-SW).



Bearing Analysis


Data Distance Matrix: Prostate Distances

Geographic Distance Matrix: Distance Matrix

Angle Matrix : Angle Matrix

Tested 36 vectors

Permutation test based on 99 permutations.



  Bearing  Correlation    Asymp     Perm

  0.00000      0.13243  0.00000  0.01000

  5.00000      0.08676  0.00000  0.01000

 10.00000      0.03695  0.04757  0.04000

 15.00000     -0.01399  0.46876  0.56000

 20.00000     -0.06131  0.00332  0.01000

 25.00000     -0.09957  0.00002  0.01000

 30.00000     -0.12443  0.00000  0.01000

 35.00000     -0.13381  0.00000  0.01000

 40.00000     -0.12783  0.00001  0.01000

 45.00000     -0.10793  0.00023  0.01000

 50.00000     -0.07605  0.00975  0.03000

 55.00000     -0.03444  0.23479  0.20000

 60.00000      0.01433  0.60981  0.55000

 65.00000      0.06724  0.01222  0.02000

 70.00000      0.12093  0.00000  0.01000

 75.00000      0.17210  0.00000  0.01000

 80.00000      0.21809  0.00000  0.01000

 85.00000      0.25725  0.00000  0.01000

 90.00000      0.28895  0.00000  0.01000

 95.00000      0.31342  0.00000  0.01000

100.00000      0.33136  0.00000  0.01000

105.00000      0.34367  0.00000  0.01000

110.00000      0.35122  0.00000  0.01000

115.00000      0.35479  0.00000  0.01000

120.00000      0.35499  0.00000  0.01000

125.00000      0.35228  0.00000  0.01000

130.00000      0.34697  0.00000  0.01000

135.00000      0.33923  0.00000  0.01000

140.00000      0.32913  0.00000  0.01000

145.00000      0.31661  0.00000  0.01000

150.00000      0.30148  0.00000  0.01000

155.00000      0.28346  0.00000  0.01000

160.00000      0.26215  0.00000  0.01000

165.00000      0.23700  0.00000  0.01000

170.00000      0.20739  0.00000  0.01000

175.00000      0.17268  0.00000  0.01000


Results of a bearing analysis.




Plot from a bearing analysis. Circles indicate significant values, crosses nonsignificant values.