
Command for performing a bearing analysis.



Bearing [options];

Menu Equivalent

Analysis 2→Scattered Data→Anisotropy→Bearing

Button Equivalent


Available Options

Description of options

Data = Name | #Number

Specifies the distance matrix containing the data distances.

Dists = Name | #Number

Specifies the data matrix containing the geographic distances.

Angles = Name | #Number

Specifies the data matrix containing the geographic angles.

NVectors = Number

Specifies the number of vectors to analyze. The default is 36.

Save = Yes | No

Controls whether the output is saved into an independent matrix. The default is No.

SaveName = Name

When Save = Yes, this specifies the name of the output matrix. This name cannot be identical to the names of any other matrices already in memory.

Permute = Yes | No

Specifies whether or not to estimate significance using a permutation test. The default is No.

Permutations = Number

Specifies the number of permutations with which to perform a permutation test (if Permute = Yes). The default is 999; the minimum value is 49.