Moran's I

The metric proposed by Moran (1950) is commonly used in correlogram analysis. It is calculated as




where yi is the value of the variable at the ith location, n is the number of points, wij is a weight indicating something about the spatial relationship of points i and j, image145.gifindicates the double sum over all i and all j where ij, and image144.gif, the sum of the values in the weight matrix. Moran’s I is akin to a correlation coefficient, as it is based on a product moment formulation. I will usually range from 1 to –1, with an expected value of image345.gif; for large n, this is approximately zero. Positive values of I indicate positive spatial autocorrelation, negative values negative spatial autocorrelation (thus the popularity of the metric).


Assuming that the observed data could be randomly permuted across all of the observed locations, the variance of I can be estimated as










image158.gif and image159.gif are the sums of the ith row and ith column of the weight matrix, respectively, and




Instead, one might assume that the data comes from an infinite, normally distributed population; in this case the variance can be estimated as




Generally, the random assumption is considered more realistic.