
This command extracts a transect or surface from a larger matrix.



Extract [options];

Menu Equivalent

Data→Manipulate→Extract→Extract Data

Button Equivalent


Available Options

Description of options

Data = Name | #Number

Specifies the original data matrix. Rectangular and 3D matrices are acceptable.

Name = Name

Specifies the name for the new matrix. This name cannot be in use by another matrix already in memory.


The following options apply only when the original data matrix is a rectangular data matrix.

Column = Name | #Number

When Data is a rectangular data matrix, this specifies the column to extract as a transect into the new matrix. The Column and Row parameters cannot both be used in the same command.

Row = Name | #Number

When Data is a rectangular data matrix, this specifies the row to extract as a transect into the new matrix. The Column and Row parameters cannot both be used in the same command.


The following options apply only when the original data matrix is a three-dimensional data matrix.

Output = Transect | Surface

Specifies whether to extract a transect (default) or surface from the three-dimensional data matrix. If the input matrix (specified by Data) is a rectangular matrix, only a transect can be extracted and this parameter is ignored.

X, Y, Z = Name | #Number

When Data is a three-dimensional data matrix, these specify the column (transect) or plane (surface) to extract into the new matrix. If a surface is being extracted (Output = Surface), only one of X, Y, and Z may be specified: this represents the position along the specified axis where the plane will be found (e.g., if X = #2, the [y,z] surface for the second value of x is extracted). If a transect is being extracted (Output = Transect), two of X, Y, and Z must be specified: these represent the positions along the specified axes where the transect (running through the unspecified axis will be found (e.g., if Y = 2 and Z = 4, the transect will represent the column parallel to the x-axis at the y=2, z= 4 position).