
Command for calculating variograms.



Variogram [options];

Menu Equivalent

Analysis 2→Scattered Data→Variograms

Button Equivalent


Available Options

Description of options

Data = Name | #Number

Specifies the data matrix containing columns of data from which to estimate the variograms.

Columns = All | {Name | #Number, Name | #Number, etc.}

Specifies the columns for which variograms will be determined. The default is to include all columns.

Average = Yes | No

Specifies whether or not to calculate an average of the variograms. This is only meaningful when more than one column of data is specified in the Columns parameter.

Lag = Connect | Distance

Specifies whether to describe lags for the variograms using distances or connections. The default is to use distances.

Connections = Name | #Number

When Lag = Connect, this specifies the binary matrix which specifies the connections among the data points.

Distances = Name | #Number

When Lag = Distance, this specifies the geographic distance matrix to be used to place data into specific lag classes.

DistClass = Name | #Number

When Lag = Distance, this specifies the details of the lag classes.

ExcludeLarge = Yes | No

When Lag = Distance, this specifies whether to calculate the correlation for the largest distance class.

Save = Yes | No

Controls whether the output is saved into an independent matrix. The default is No.

SaveName = Name

When Save = Yes, this specifies the name of the output matrix. This name cannot be identical to the names of any other matrices already in memory.